Wednesday, August 4, 2010


We had our 7 week ultrasound today and we were amazed when we heard a heartbeat! We were not expecting to hear a heartbeat during this visit and when we heard it our hearts melted. It was really amazing. Check out the video if you want to hear for yourself. Everything is looking good so far!

Here is a picture too. You can see tiny little arms if you look close


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE that you've joined the blog world, it's such perfect timing since you have so much to share! I can't wait to check for updates - I've added it to my blog so I can see when you've updated yours. :)

    LOVE you guys, that ultrasound and heartbeat made me boohoo a bit....soo happy for you two!

  2. Fun! Can't wait to see that little bundle grow up! Hope you're feeling good!

  3. "Are you kidding me?! We got ourselves a family here!" -- LOVE U 2¼ !!!

  4. We are so very happy for you guys. Can't wait to see you in September. I do think that child looks a little like me.

  5. This is so exciting and emotional! You will be great parents and I can't wait to be a grammy!
