Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Less than 3 weeks to go and baby girl's got everything she could ever need!

Well we've been busy since our last post getting ready for the big day and we're so grateful for all of the celebrations and well wishes that we've had.  We've received amazing advice and thoughtful and generous gifts to make our lives (and the baby's life) safer, a little easier and definitely prettier.

Nana threw a shower for Mom-to-be, baby (& daddy who was already back in San Diego) on January 1st at Granite Links.  We were lucky that it was a day in Boston with no snow, so all of our family and closest friends were able to make it (despite some New Years Day nausea ; ).  Everything from the food to the cake to the display of books we received as gifts was just perfect and it was a great way to start 2011.

She'll be well read!!!!

Auntie Jen helping out big time!

Nana, Mom with hidden baby belly & Papa

Both Qualcomm and Scripps colleagues wished us well as we approach parenthood with unbelievable outpourings of love and generosity - we are both so thankful.  

On February 4th, our dear friends Karen and Stephanie invited our San Diego family over to Stephanie's house in Del Mar for a celebratory shower.  It was a beautiful day, and we were all able to enjoy the yard and the adorable decorations.  We were so thankful that Nana and Grammy were able to be there too.  Attendees created an advice book for us offering up some personal thoughts, tricks and suggestions as we approach the big day and beyond. 

The most gracious hostesses.

A glorious day!

The girls!

Grammy & Nana

Speaking of the big day, it was pretty much confirmed that March 4th will be baby Tichy's birthday (she'll be 37 weeks and 1 day and be born via C-section), so mark your calendars for a new birthday!  At our 35 week ultrasound today, she weighed in at a healthy 6 lbs 3oz.  Here are some pics (likely to be the last ones in utero) before she makes her grand arrival.

Resting her head on placenta pillow.

Telling us she's bored and ready to come out via a nice big yawn!
See you all very soon!!!



  1. LOVE IT!!!!! I love her yawning photo, too cute. Auntie Beth is counting down the days until we can finally meet the little girl and lavish her with tons of love and attention for a lifetime. xoxo

  2. Such cute pics! Love the cake from your east coast shower- so cute! She looks like she is going to have the most kissable cheeks ever! Ruby is anxious to meet her new best friend!
