Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Months 2 and 3

OK - so again more than a month behind - but better late than never.  April was fabulous and by May, we're getting used to all of the responsibilities that our little princess brings.  Here's the recap.

We were very much still getting used to having a newborn well into April.  Our little peanut wasn't gaining weight as would have been expected and so Zoe started an all formula diet.  Wouldn't you know it, within a week she started packing on the ounces and started to become a very happy baby.  Credit to women who are able to breastfeed for an extended time, but it just wasn't in the cards.  Zoe was just under nine pounds at 2 months.  She's got to be over 11 pounds by now.  She's really filling out.  She's been smiling and giggling and you might just catch a glimpse of her dimple on the right side when she flashes a big grins. 

We had friends over to visit in April - Beth and Mo and Yona and Audrey and we went to visit the Sparks clan where Zoe and Ruby chilled. Zoe is loving all this attention.  Zoe and Tara celebrated Karen's birthday with her and Beth on a glorious Monday at the Estancia Spa Pool. It was just "ladies at lunch", but a perfect little birthday celebration.

We've been loving bathtime too.

Papa (Ray) and Meme (Meg) came out for a visit at the end of April.  We had a great time walking the 101 from downtown Encinitas, past Swami's Beach all the way down to Seaside Market.  We (Jay and Tara) got to enjoy an adult dinner out at blanca since Papa and Meme babysat Zoe one night.  We ordered a tasting menu.  It was an experience with courses that showcased experimental techniques in food preparation, some that were tasty and others pretty but less tasty.  Overall though, a great evening. 

When Sunday rolled around, we all visited the Karros' for their yearly Easter breakfast.  It was great to see the whole gang, (Shelby, Kirt, Nick, Cooper, George, Karen, Ed, Jan, Eric, Trish, Jared and Kyle)the food was delicious as always, and Zoe was able to meet everyone and show off her Easter dress that Nana had given her. 

In May, Sara was visiting California all the way from London and wouldn't have missed meeting Little Miss Tichy for the world.  It was great seeing Sara and hearing all about her world travels and what's new with her family, Sandro's Kick Buttowski success and Mario's upcoming 87th birthday. 

Also in May, we've been enjoying some great weather (what happened to May grey?), savouring some amazing brunches with friends (crabcakes benedicts sound good right?), hitting up the beach (Moonlight with the whole crew - Jason, Lisa, Alex, Karen, Bennett (Ruby had a double ear infection OUCH), Beth, Rob, Aaron, Mo, Stephanie, Peng, Max, Margo, Beth, Marlon, Lores, Isla and Kevin and friend) and lunching with friends including Jessica and Kristy from Qualcomm. 

Other than that - we've just been taking walks in the Baby Bjorn, hanging with Benny and Bear and eagerly anticipating our Hawaii trip (and then Boston for Tara and Zoe!!!!).  Until next time - Aloha and talk to ya lata.  

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to comment, LOVED IT! Great post and I can't wait to see more in the future. Miss you, TT and Zoe and hopefully we'll see you soon! xoxo
