Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Our little jumping bean

Today, we are about 13 weeks along.  We're in the second trimester, so its a little ironic that we had our first trimester screen today.  By combining bloodwork results with a high tech ultrasound and measurement of thickness of the nuchal fold on the baby's neck, the test results give statistics on possible abnormalities.  Our stats were very good, with 1 out of 1,700 for down syndrome, and 1 out of 16,000 for trisomy 18.

The sonographer spent lots of time looking at things, taking measurements and best of all, taking lots of fancy pictures.  Not sure what was going on, but the little one was jumping all around.  It was the coolest thing to see.  Looking forward to feeling the movements in the future.

In the meantime, here are a bunch of amazing photos. 

Even the 3D alien one is beautiful, isn't it?

And the foot.......


  1. WONDERFUL, FABULOUS, TOTALLY COOL! See you in a few days. Dad

  2. such great pics! he/she is adorable!!

  3. I like jumping beans very much! Haaaaaaayy!

  4. Ahhhhh, so cute! I've been so neglectful of my own blog that I completely missed these pics last week, poo! Love them though, love the foot and profile pics especially!
