Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's a Girl!

October 28, 2010
We had our 20 week Anatomy Ultrasound today.  Everything looks good and everything seems to be in the right place!  This is also the ultrasound where we can find out if it is a boy or a girl.  We had the sonographer put the result into an envelope since we had not yet decided if we were going to find out. 

On November 6th we decided to go out to dinner at Roy's in La Jolla.   We have fond memories of this restaurant since we had a great experience at the Roy's in Maui.  We brought our envelope with us and decided to open it after our appetizer.  We wanted to make sure that we found out at the same time so we placed the picture upside down and then turned it over together.   I will never forget the feeling of seeing the word "girl" on the picture.  It was an amazing experience. 

Here are some other pictures

Our little girl!


  1. Love her already! Can I be "Uncle Rob" though this time?

  2. She's beautiful already, we can't wait to meet her! Uncle ROB and I will love this little girl so much! (you happy babe?) :)

    We're so thrilled for you two - that was such a fun way of letting us know the good news too. I totally didn't cry. Or, bawled like a baby. You decide.
