Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Months 2 and 3

OK - so again more than a month behind - but better late than never.  April was fabulous and by May, we're getting used to all of the responsibilities that our little princess brings.  Here's the recap.

We were very much still getting used to having a newborn well into April.  Our little peanut wasn't gaining weight as would have been expected and so Zoe started an all formula diet.  Wouldn't you know it, within a week she started packing on the ounces and started to become a very happy baby.  Credit to women who are able to breastfeed for an extended time, but it just wasn't in the cards.  Zoe was just under nine pounds at 2 months.  She's got to be over 11 pounds by now.  She's really filling out.  She's been smiling and giggling and you might just catch a glimpse of her dimple on the right side when she flashes a big grins. 

We had friends over to visit in April - Beth and Mo and Yona and Audrey and we went to visit the Sparks clan where Zoe and Ruby chilled. Zoe is loving all this attention.  Zoe and Tara celebrated Karen's birthday with her and Beth on a glorious Monday at the Estancia Spa Pool. It was just "ladies at lunch", but a perfect little birthday celebration.

We've been loving bathtime too.

Papa (Ray) and Meme (Meg) came out for a visit at the end of April.  We had a great time walking the 101 from downtown Encinitas, past Swami's Beach all the way down to Seaside Market.  We (Jay and Tara) got to enjoy an adult dinner out at blanca since Papa and Meme babysat Zoe one night.  We ordered a tasting menu.  It was an experience with courses that showcased experimental techniques in food preparation, some that were tasty and others pretty but less tasty.  Overall though, a great evening. 

When Sunday rolled around, we all visited the Karros' for their yearly Easter breakfast.  It was great to see the whole gang, (Shelby, Kirt, Nick, Cooper, George, Karen, Ed, Jan, Eric, Trish, Jared and Kyle)the food was delicious as always, and Zoe was able to meet everyone and show off her Easter dress that Nana had given her. 

In May, Sara was visiting California all the way from London and wouldn't have missed meeting Little Miss Tichy for the world.  It was great seeing Sara and hearing all about her world travels and what's new with her family, Sandro's Kick Buttowski success and Mario's upcoming 87th birthday. 

Also in May, we've been enjoying some great weather (what happened to May grey?), savouring some amazing brunches with friends (crabcakes benedicts sound good right?), hitting up the beach (Moonlight with the whole crew - Jason, Lisa, Alex, Karen, Bennett (Ruby had a double ear infection OUCH), Beth, Rob, Aaron, Mo, Stephanie, Peng, Max, Margo, Beth, Marlon, Lores, Isla and Kevin and friend) and lunching with friends including Jessica and Kristy from Qualcomm. 

Other than that - we've just been taking walks in the Baby Bjorn, hanging with Benny and Bear and eagerly anticipating our Hawaii trip (and then Boston for Tara and Zoe!!!!).  Until next time - Aloha and talk to ya lata.  

Saturday, April 2, 2011

One month ago

Okay, so its been four weeks and two days since the biggest day of our lives.  Here's all the details just in case there's someone out there who hasn't heard.  Our beautiful daughter, Zoe Ryan was born at Scripps Memorial La Jolla on Thursday, March 3rd by C-section at 8:01am.  She weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and was 18 3/4 inches long.  Here she is.

Zoe, mom and dad all spent four days and nights in the hospital bonding and learning as much as we could about feeding and swaddling and changing diapers.  Oh - and mom did a bit of recovering as well.  All and all, not such a bad surgery or recovery.  Our hospital room (a great corner room thanks to a hook up from our dear friend Beth) was beautiful, filled with flowers and goodies that many friends had sent or brought during much appreciated visits.  We were very fortunate to have family in town to visit us in the hospital, and to cook meals and relieve us from cuddling duty so we could get a couple of hours of sleep.  Thanks to uncle Greg as well for making Benny and Bear feel special during our time away from the abode.  Since we've been home, friends and family members have continued to show so much love and support in so many ways.  We feel lucky and abundantly loved and cannot thank everyone enough. 

Over the past month, we have been figuring out all of the ins and outs of being mom and dad.  Since Zoe was born three weeks early she still loves to be swaddled, especially in her fleece swaddle sack.  Every day it seems she likes something new - one day its the swing, the next - the moby wrap.  Daddy likes to make sure she is doing her share of tummy time which she is getting used to.  Oh - and she loves to get bathed.  She especially loves having warm water run over her head and her flowing hair (mullet).  She doesn't mind the harsh barks of the dogs, or their kisses for that matter.  Benny and Bear are already super protective of our new family member.  They run to her side whenever she makes a peep.
Here are some more of our favorite pictures from Zoe's first month.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Less than 3 weeks to go and baby girl's got everything she could ever need!

Well we've been busy since our last post getting ready for the big day and we're so grateful for all of the celebrations and well wishes that we've had.  We've received amazing advice and thoughtful and generous gifts to make our lives (and the baby's life) safer, a little easier and definitely prettier.

Nana threw a shower for Mom-to-be, baby (& daddy who was already back in San Diego) on January 1st at Granite Links.  We were lucky that it was a day in Boston with no snow, so all of our family and closest friends were able to make it (despite some New Years Day nausea ; ).  Everything from the food to the cake to the display of books we received as gifts was just perfect and it was a great way to start 2011.

She'll be well read!!!!

Auntie Jen helping out big time!

Nana, Mom with hidden baby belly & Papa

Both Qualcomm and Scripps colleagues wished us well as we approach parenthood with unbelievable outpourings of love and generosity - we are both so thankful.  

On February 4th, our dear friends Karen and Stephanie invited our San Diego family over to Stephanie's house in Del Mar for a celebratory shower.  It was a beautiful day, and we were all able to enjoy the yard and the adorable decorations.  We were so thankful that Nana and Grammy were able to be there too.  Attendees created an advice book for us offering up some personal thoughts, tricks and suggestions as we approach the big day and beyond. 

The most gracious hostesses.

A glorious day!

The girls!

Grammy & Nana

Speaking of the big day, it was pretty much confirmed that March 4th will be baby Tichy's birthday (she'll be 37 weeks and 1 day and be born via C-section), so mark your calendars for a new birthday!  At our 35 week ultrasound today, she weighed in at a healthy 6 lbs 3oz.  Here are some pics (likely to be the last ones in utero) before she makes her grand arrival.

Resting her head on placenta pillow.

Telling us she's bored and ready to come out via a nice big yawn!
See you all very soon!!!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

28 Week Ultrasound

We had our 28 week ultrasound today to check on our little girl .  She is doing very well and is actually starting to look like a baby. Her heart rate was a healthy 156 beats per minute.  She is now 3 pounds and is 17" long!  Tara has had placenta previa that we were hoping would resolve it its own but it does not look like that is going to happen even though there is still a chance.  We are going back for another ultrasound in 6 weeks and if it has not resolved then they will likely schedule a C- section for her around 37 weeks.   So for those of you with birthdays in the beginning of March you can start placing your bets.  Here are some pics.  Every time we have had an ultrasound she has put her hands in front of her face and does not want to cooperate at all.  Hopefully these aren't signs of things to come!

 She has cute lips like her mother
*The weird lines over her nose or mouth is the umbilical cord*